Even Bigger Than That! (red)
Play Even Bigger Than That! only if you've dealt {p} this turn.
Opt 3, then reveal the top card of your deck. If it has {p} greater than the amount of damage you've dealt this turn, create a Quicken token and draw a card.
Opt 3, then reveal the top card of your deck. If it has {p} greater than the amount of damage you've dealt this turn, create a Quicken token and draw a card.
Generic Instant
Other Versions
- Even Bigger Than That! (red)
- Even Bigger Than That! (yellow)
- Even Bigger Than That! (blue)
Printings of this Card
FAB - Promos
- None
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
EVR - Everfest
- First
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated