Once per turn Action - {r}{r}{r}: Attack
While there are 2 or more cards with cost 3 or greater in your pitch zone, Anothos has +2{p}.
While there are 2 or more cards with cost 3 or greater in your pitch zone, Anothos has +2{p}.
Guardian Weapon - Hammer (2H)
Printings of this Card
FAB - Promos
- None
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Images has latest errata
LGS - Local Game Store Promos
- None
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
XXX - OP Event Tokens
- None
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
WTR - Welcome to Rathe
- Alpha
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
BVO - Bravo Hero Deck
- None
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
WTR - Welcome to Rathe
- Unlimited
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
CRU - Crucible of War
- First
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
CRU - Crucible of War
- Unlimited
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
1HP - History Pack 1
- None
Images from set allowed
Images has latest errata