Teklo Core
Dash Specialization
Teklo Core enters the arena with 2 steam counters on it. When Teklo Core has no steam counters on it, destroy it.
At the beginning of your action phase, remove a steam counter from Teklo Core and gain {r}{r}.
Teklo Core enters the arena with 2 steam counters on it. When Teklo Core has no steam counters on it, destroy it.
At the beginning of your action phase, remove a steam counter from Teklo Core and gain {r}{r}.
Mechanologist Action - Item
Printings of this Card
LGS - Local Game Store Promos
- None
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ARC - Arcane Rising
- First
Images from set allowed
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ARC - Arcane Rising
- First
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
ARC - Arcane Rising
- Unlimited
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
1HP - History Pack 1
- None
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