Chains of Eminence
Go again
When Chains of Eminence enters the arena, name a card. The named card can't be pitched, played or used to defend while Chains of Eminence is in the arena.
At the beginning of your action phase, destroy Chains of Eminence
When Chains of Eminence enters the arena, name a card. The named card can't be pitched, played or used to defend while Chains of Eminence is in the arena.
At the beginning of your action phase, destroy Chains of Eminence
Generic Action - Aura
Printings of this Card
JDG - Judge Unique Promos
- None
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
ARC - Arcane Rising
- First
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
ARC - Arcane Rising
- Unlimited
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated