Eirina's Prayer (yellow)
Reveal the top card of your deck. Prevent the next X arcane damage that would be dealt to your hero this turn, where X is 5 minus the pitch value of the card revealed this way.
Generic Instant
Other Versions
- Eirina's Prayer (red)
- Eirina's Prayer (yellow)
- Eirina's Prayer (blue)
Printings of this Card
ARC - Arcane Rising
- First
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
ARC - Arcane Rising
- First
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
ARC - Arcane Rising
- Unlimited
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated
1HP - History Pack 1
- None
Images from set allowed
Errata unknown or image outdated