Lumina Ascension
Boltyn Specialization
Until end of turn, weapons you control gain +1{p} and "If this hits, reveal the top card of your deck. If it's a Light card, put it into your hero's soul and gain 1{h}, otherwise put it on the bottom of your deck."
If you've charged this turn, you may attack an additional time with each weapon you control.
Go again
Until end of turn, weapons you control gain +1{p} and "If this hits, reveal the top card of your deck. If it's a Light card, put it into your hero's soul and gain 1{h}, otherwise put it on the bottom of your deck."
If you've charged this turn, you may attack an additional time with each weapon you control.
Go again
Light Warrior Action
Printings of this Card
MON - Monarch
- First
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MON - Monarch
- First
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MON - Monarch
- Unlimited
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ASB - Armory Deck Boltyn
- None
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