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Battle Hardened Bologna 2023

Organizer: Goblin Bologna in cooperation with 4Seasons Tournaments
Judge manager: Lamberto Franco
Event type: Battle Hardened
REL: Competitive
Format: Classic Constructed
Event date(s): Feb. 11, 2023-Feb. 12, 2023
Location: Bologna, Italy
Venue: Circolo ARCI "Benassi" -
Viale Sergio Cavina, 4, 40139 Bologna BO
Applications accepted through: Jan. 1, 2023 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 1 year, 3 months ago

Event Information

(English Version below)

Ciao a tutti!
Goblin Bologna, in collaborazione con 4Seasons Tournaments organizzerà un evento Battle Hardened al Circolo ARCI Benassi il 11 e 12 Febbraio 2023.
L'evento include un torneo Battle Hardened e un torneo Super Armory il Sabato, più un torneo PTI la Domenica.
Potete trovare maggiori informazioni sull'evento su


Lo staff di questo evento sarà composto da 1 Head Judge, 3 Floor Judge, 1 Show Manager/Scorekeeper e 1 Trainee per ogni giorno dell'evento. Con questa application vogliamo completare lo staff e cerchiamo 1 Head Judge, 2 Floor Judge e 1 Trainee per ogni giorno dell'evento.
L'evento sarà un'ottima occasione di crescita, avendo la possibilità di ricoprire il ruolo di Head Judge ad un evento internazionale, e potendo lavorare insieme a Judge esperti.
Se volete applicare come Head Judge, per favore specificate nella cover letter le vostre precedenti esperienze arbitrali, e spiegate perchè dovremmo selezionarvi in questo ruolo.

Compensation & Modalità di application:

La compensation per il Battle Hardened Bologna 2023 è basata sul ruolo.
La compensation è, per giorno, la seguente (riferita alla modalità di application):

  • Head Judge: 1.5 box + pasto fornito dal TO.
  • Floor Judge: 1 box + pasto fornito dal TO. 
  • Trainee: Pasto offerto dall'organizzatore, se presente in sala per almeno 4h. Questo ruolo è pensato per Judge che intendono fare un'esperienza formativa. Il Judge farà parte dello staff come apprendista, aiuterà in certe procedure (se lo desidera) ed avrà modo di fare esperienza in un evento Competitive. Il ruolo non prevede restrizioni di tempo o orario: il Judge potrà presentarsi nel momento in cui lo desidera e potrà andarsene quando sarà soddisfatto. Per una migliore esperienza consiglio di presentarsi al mattino insieme al normale staff.
    Per il ruolo sono preferiti L1 interessati al percorso verso il L2. Specificate lo stato attuale della vostra Checklist nella vostra cover letter.
    In caso di affluenza elevata all'evento, Il Judge selezionato in questo ruolo potrebbe essere convertito a Floor Judge. 

Tutti i Floor Judge e l'Head Judge riceveranno anche alcuni regali da LSS.

Tutti i Floor Judge e l'Head Judge che verranno selezionati in staff per entrambi i giorni riceveranno un posto letto in camera doppia/tripla con gli altri arbitri dello staff in un hotel o appartamento limitrofo per le notti di Venerdì e Sabato. Se venite da molto lontano e avete necessità anche della notte di Domenica, specificatelo nella cover letter.

Potete applicare per una qualsiasi combinazione di giorni, da specificare nell'application.

Specificate nell'application, tramite gli appositi selettori, tutti i ruoli a cui siete interessati. Potete chiedere di ricoprire ruoli diversi nei diversi giorni, ad esempio 1 giorno come Trainee e 1 giorno come Floor Judge.
Applicare come Trainee non riduce le vostre possibilità di essere selezionati come Floor Judge o Head Judge.
Tutti i Judge in staff avranno a disposizione, ogni giorno, acqua a volontà e snack, direttamente in Judge Station.
I Judge in Staff avranno un canale preferenziale per eventuali firme dagli artisti.


Come Floor Judge/Head Judge ci aspettiamo che siate presenti in sala a partire dalle 08:00 fino al termine degli eventi della giornata. La giornata sarà quindi di almeno 10-12 ore, inclusa una pausa lunga ed una pausa breve.

Per favore includete nella vostra cover letter esperienze passate a REL Competitive, così come la conoscenza di eventuali lingue diverse dall'italiano, e a che livello. 
Una buona conoscenza dell'inglese o di altre lingue sarà titolo preferenziale durante la selezione.

L'abbigliamento adeguato per il torneo è: pantaloni neri, maglia nera, cintura nera, scarpe nere.
Le giornate saranno lunghe, faremo il possibile per tenervi nutriti ed in salute ma dovete essere voi i primi a prendervi cura di voi stessi.

Lo staff verrà selezionato in base al livello, all'esperienza, alla posizione geografica e alla partecipazione attiva alla comunità. Durante il weekend sarà dato uno spazio particolare al mentoring, essendo questo uno dei pochi tornei internazionali in cui si può davvero fare un'utilissima esperienza.


Organizzeremo una Judge Conference durante il weekend, con seminari divisi su entrambe le giornate. Pubblicheremo presto maggiori informazioni.

Per qualsiasi informazione o richiesta particolare, non esitate a contattarmi :)

Buona application!

English Version:

Hi all!
Goblin Bologna, in cooperation with 4Seasons Tournaments will organize a Battle Hardened Event at Circolo ARCI Benassi on 11 and 12 February 2023.
The event will include a Battle Hardened tournament and a Super Armory tournament on Saturday, plus a PTI tournament on Sunday.
You can find more information on the event here:


The staff for this event will include 1 Head Judge, 3 Floor Judges, 1 Show Manager/Scorekeeper and 1 Trainee for each event day. With this application we want to complete the staff with 1 Head Judge, 2 Floor Judges and 1 Trainee for each event day.
The event will be a great occasion for growth, having the opportunity to be the Head Judge of an international event, and having the opportunity to work together with expert Judges.
If you'd like to apply as Head Judge, please specify in the cover letter your previous judging experiences, and explain why we should pick you for this role. Italian speakers will be preferred for this role, as we expect a lot of italian players that don't know enough English.

Compensation & Application Modes:

Compensation for Battle Hardened Bologna 2023 is based on role.
Compensation is, per day, the following (referred to the application mode):

  • Head Judge: 1.5 box + food provided by TO.
  • Floor Judge: 1 box + food provided by TO. 
  • Trainee: lunch provided by TO, if part of the staff for at least 4h. This role is designed for Judges interested in a formative experience. The Judge will be part of the staff as trainee, will help with certain procedures (if they wants) and will be able to make some experience in a Competitive event. The role doesn't define restrictions of time: the Judge can be part of the staff for the hours that they prefer and leave when satisfied. For a better experience, I recommend being part of the staff from the morning, together with the normal staff.
    For this role L1 interested to the path towards L2 will be preferred. Please specify the current status of your Checklist in your cover letter.
    In case of a high attendance at the event, the Judge selected for this role could be upgraded to Floor Judge. 

All Floor Judges and Head Judges will receive some gifts by LSS.

All Floor Judges and Head Judges that will be selected for both days will receive a bed space in a double/triple room with other Judges on Staff, in a nearby hotel or apartment, for the nights of Friday and Saturday. If you're coming from very far away and you also need a bed for Sunday, please specify it in your cover letter.

You can apply for any combination of days, to be specified in the application.

Please specify in the application, throught the selectors, all roles to which you're interested. You can request various roles for various days, for example 1 days as Trainee and 1 day as Floor Judge. 
Applying as Trainee doesn't lower your possibilities to be selected as Floor Judges or Head Judges.
All Judges on staff will have available, every day, water and snacks, directly in Judge Station.
Judges in Staff will have a prioritary line for eventual signatures from artists.


As a Floor Judge/Head Judge we expect you to be available in the venue starting at 08:00 till the end of the events of the day. The day will last at least 10-12 hours, including a long break and a short break.

Please include in your cover letter previous experiences at Competitive REL, as well as the knowledge of foreign languages. It's not absolutely needed to talk italian, but it's absolutely needed to know English enough to work in an international environment. Knowledge of other European languages (such as German, French, Spanish, Polish) will be preferential titles for the selection.

The proper dress code for the event is: black trousers, black shirt, black belt, black shoes. If you have any official Flesh and Blood shirts, please bring them all (so also other judges that don't have them can use them).
Days will be long, we'll do our best to keep you fed and healthy, but you must be the first person to take care of yourselves.

Staff will be selected based on level, experience, geographic position and active involvement in the community. During the weekend we'll give a particular space to mentoring, because this is one of the few international tournaments where it's actually possible to make a very useful experience.


We'll organize a Judge Conference during the weekend, with seminars spread across both days. We'll soon publish more information on that.

For any additional request or informations, don't hesitate to contact me :)

Have a nice application!

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Arturo Benzi
Level 2 Europe - Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Matteo Callegari
Level 2 Europe - Italy and Malta Support Judge
Damiano De Prosperis
Level 2 Europe - Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Lamberto Franco
Level 2 Europe - Italy and Malta Head Judge
Emanuele Fuiano
Level 2 Europe - Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Klaus Lassacher
Level 2 Europe - German-speaking Spectator
Gerard Trpin
Level 2 Europe - France Floor Judge
Samuele Bucciero
Level 1 Europe - Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Simone Busatto
Level 1 Europe - Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Gabriele Marcantonio
Level 1 Europe - Italy and Malta Floor Judge
Matteo Megera
Level 1 Europe - Italy and Malta Floor Judge