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Calling Antwerp 2023

Organizer: tournamentcenter
Judge manager: Robin Massart
Event type: Calling
REL: Competitive/Professional
Format: Classic Constructed
Event date(s): May 19, 2023-May 21, 2023
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Venue: Antwerp Expo
Jan van Rijswijcklaan 191
2020 Antwerp
Applications accepted through: March 6, 2023 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 2 years ago

Event Information

tournamentcenter is excited to announce the opening of the Calling Antwerp 2023 Judge and Staff Applications!
This is your chance to be part of the team in the role of a Judge, Admin, or Scorekeeper.
The applications will close on Monday, March 6th, 2023 at 23:59 (anywhere in the world).
A selection will be made and communicated by Friday, March 10th, 2023.

The Application Form can be found in our Discord Server: tournamentcenter Staff Community Discord 


Please ensure you read through the full application before applying.


Make sure to click "submit" at the end of the form, not doing so means you didn't complete your application! You will receive a copy of your responses over email, not receiving this email means you didn't click the submit button!

IMPORTANT NOTE: we will collect some personal data after the selections are done -- this will be done via a two-step process. We will need you to provide these on time, so look out for that second form soon after acceptance notices have gone out!  


tournamentcenter Staff Community Discord:



Dates: May 19th-21st, 2023

Venue: Antwerp Expo Jan van Rijswijcklaan 191, 2020, Antwerp Belgium

The Calling weekend will include events over three days as follows:

  • Friday 19 May

    • Scheduled Side Events

    • On Demand Events

  • Saturday 20 May

    • Calling Main Event Day 1 – Classic Constructed

    • Scheduled Side Events

    • On Demand Events

  • Sunday 21 May

    • Calling Main Event Day 2 – Classic Constructed

    • Battle Hardened – Sealed Deck + TOP 8 Draft

    • Scheduled Events

    • On Demand Events



We are looking for judges, scorekeepers, and admin staff to help with the event in the following roles:


  • Friday (11:30am to 9:30pm) – Shift lengths 10-11 hours

    • Head Judge

    • Team Lead

    • Floor Judge

    • Scorekeeper

    • Event Admin


  • Saturday (7:30am to 9:30pm) – Shift lengths 10-11 hours

    • Head Judge

    • Appeals Judge

    • Team Lead

    • Floor Judge

    • Scorekeeper

    • Event Admin

  • Sunday (7:30am to 9:30pm) – Shift lengths 10-11 hours

    • Head Judge

    • Appeals Judge

    • Team Lead

    • Floor Judge

    • Scorekeeper

    • Event Admin


The outline of roles, responsibilities, and shift times above is an estimate of our staffing requirements for the event. Please note that these are subject to change, and may be adapted upon our final staff selection for the event. Your actual shift call times will vary by role.


If selected as part of the event staff, you will be expected to work a minimum of two days. Applicants who apply for all three event days will be given higher priority. The expected shift length is approximately 10-11 hours with a one-hour lunch break and at least one thirty-minute break.


Judges are expected to arrive on time and in appropriate attire. Predominantly black pants, or similar, and predominantly black shoes. If you have one or multiple yellow judge shirts, please bring them to the event. Additionally judge shirts can be provided in limited quantities.


Judges and Scorekeepers may be assigned to any of the following:

  • Calling

  • Battle Hardened

  • Scheduled Events

  • On Demand Events


Admin Staff may be assigned to any of the following:

  • Registration

  • Customer Service

  • Prize Wall

  • Event Ops



The staff outlined below, will receive the following per day worked, based on their role for that day:


  • Floor Judge: 175 EUR and 2 boxes of current set product

  • Event Admin: 175 EUR and 2 boxes of current set product

  • Scorekeeper: 175 EUR and 2 boxes of current set product

  • Team lead: 275 EUR and 2 boxes of current set product


Based on the unique nature and responsibility of certain roles, If you are selected to one of the following, you will be required to work all three event days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). Rather than receive compensation on a per day basis, these positions will instead receive a fixed compensation, which is cumulative of their confirmation of work for the entire Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the event.


  • Appeals judge: 900 EUR and 8 boxes of current set product

  • Head judge: 1200 EUR and 8 boxes of current set product

You will receive your compensation via PayPal.

We'll ask for a PayPal-Account email address during our acceptance form.



All staff members, regardless of the number of days worked and their role, will receive a selection of promotional items for the event. This promotional gift is an expression of appreciation for the contributions from all staff working this event. These items should not be considered as part of, or in lieu of, your staff compensation for the event. Additionally, all staff members who are Certified Level 1 or above with the Judge Program will receive a selection of judge specific promotional items.


A staff celebration with food, drinks, and booster drafts, will happen during the event weekend. The exact details of the staff celebration will be confirmed and communicated closer to the event.




Close to the event, you'll receive two DropboxSign Invitation Mails with a link to our contract and addendum for this event. There you'll be able to read and sign them online. Please do so before the event! If you have any questions about this, please send them to

In order to generate these documents, we will ask you for the following information in the Acceptance Form:

Your name

Your PayPal email-address

Your TIN (ID number, Insurance Number, National number, etc)

Your address


That's it for now,

Best of luck in your application, Judges!!  

Robin & Jurgen

Staff Members

No one is on staff for this event, or the staff list is not visible to you.