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Road to Nationals Seminar Series 2023

Organizer: Legend Story Studios
Judge manager: Klaus Lassacher
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): May 6, 2023-May 13, 2023
Location: JudgeHub Discord, Online
Applications accepted through: May 13, 2023 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 1 year, 10 months ago

Event Information

Welcome Judges and interested people!

We are happy to present the 2023 Road to Nationals seminar series. A week of independent seminars that each try to help you run your first competitive event or refresh your knowledge of them.


Each seminar will be 60-120 minutes and standalone. This allows us to offer different time slots over different regions and languages, with being flexible and offering each seminar the time it needs.

Most seminars will cover "How to prepare for my first competitive event"
These seminars are focused on helping you learn some of the most important tools to run competitive events. For this season it will also include a primer on drafts at competitive.


Days are in the local time zone
UTC - Universal standard time

6th May - 18:00 CEST / 16:00 UTC: Christan Gienger English
6th May - 15:00 BRT / 18:00 UTC: Luna Borges Portuguese
7th May - 12:00 EDT / 16:00 UTC: Frederic St-Laurent French
8th May - 20:00 CEST / 18:00 UTC: Ash Sztulzaft French
9th May - 21:00 CEST / 19:00 UTC Lamberto Franco Italian
10th May - 20:00 BRT / 23:00 UTC: Lu Cordeiro English
11th May - 17:00 PDT / 02:00 UTC: Ryan Wood English
13th May - 12:00 CST / 17:00 UTC Arick Dickerman Spanish

Additionally, we have the following presenters and topics to offer:
5th May - 19:00 CEST /17:00 UTC: Gwen De Schepper / Barlomiej Wieszok - Q&A questions for TO / judge (EU Centric)
13th May - 21:00 EDT / 14th 01:00 UTC: Steven Zwanger - Deckchecks

How to participate

We will create individual events on the official JudgeHub Discord server.
Events can now be found on the Discord server!

Link to JudgeHub Discord

Staff Members

No one is on staff for this event, or the staff list is not visible to you.