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Pro quest 4

Organizer: Brood en spelen
Judge manager: Gwen De Schepper
Event type: ProQuest
REL: Competitive
Format: Booster Draft
Event date(s): Nov. 5, 2023
Location: Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
Venue: 41 Stationsstraat
Applications accepted through: Oct. 15, 2023 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 6 months ago

Event Information

We are happy to announce our 4th Pro quest!

As always we are committed on giving you the best possible competitive experience and this time it will be draft!

The event will consist of 2 called drafts and a called top 8 draft.

We are looking for judges that are comfortable witht he logistics of draft and commited to a smooth experience for al involged.

You are not required to call the draft itself. A store employee will callt he draft so you can focus on helping the players and guard against cheating.

Specificaly we are looking for a experienced HJ that can guide the drafting proces

For the FJ position we prefer judges who are looking to learn


for both FJ and HJ 100 euro value in product of choice. (does not have to be FaB)

free drinks and food the entire day.

LSS also provides the judges with some gifts

A judge booster for HJ

A pack of judge sleeves for the floor judge.


Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Gwen De Schepper
Level 2 Europe - BeNeLux Staff
Emilien WILD
Level 2 Europe - BeNeLux Head Judge
Alex Kivitz
Level 1 Europe - BeNeLux Floor Judge