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Nationals Greece 2024

Organizer: Ioannis Paraskevopoulos
Judge manager: George Panagopoulos
Event type: Nationals
REL: Competitive
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): July 6, 2024-July 7, 2024
Location: Athens, Greece
Venue: Taek Won Do Stadium, Leoforos Posidonos 860, Paleo Faliro, 175 61

Event Information



  • Date

Friday July 5.

  • Venue

No Label X Arena, 28is Oktovriou 48, Athens, 106 82

  • Start Time

18.00 pm Players Meeting, 18.30 pm Start

  • Participation Fee

10€ (per player)

  • Format

Team Blitz Constructed (2v2)

  • Rules Enforcement Level (REL)


  • Prizes
    • Cold Foils, playmats and promo cards to the Winning Teams
    • Promo cards for everyone.
    • 1x Booster pack for everyone,

  • Regulations

Teams of 2 with the restriction of a different hero for each player.





  • Date

Saturday July 6 – July 7.

        Taek Won Do Stadium, Leoforos Posidonos 860, Paleo Faliro, 175 61

  • Start Time

10.30 am Players Meeting, 11.00 am Start

  • Participation Fee

Qualified Players - FREE

Non-Qualified Players - 50€

Player Cap – 64

* More info on qualification criteria:

  • Rules Enforcement Level (REL)


  • Registration

        Opening once ELO-based invitations are issued (April 2024) 

  • Format

Classic Constructed & Booster Draft (July 6)

  • 3x Classic Constructed, Swiss rounds
  • 3x Booster Draft, Swiss rounds
  • 3x Classic Constructed, Swiss rounds


  • Swiss rounds are best-of-one.
  • Classic Constructed Swiss rounds are 50 + 5 minutes in duration (50 + 5 means there are 5 minutes allocated for the start of game procedure. Players must have presented their deck and revealed their equipment and weapons within this 5-minute window. If both players complete the start of game procedure in less than 5 minutes, they may begin playing their match immediately.)
  • Draft Swiss rounds are 30 + 5 minutes in duration.

TOP 8 (July 7)

  • Top 8 playoffs are single elimination, best-of-one matches.
  • Top 8 matches have no time limit. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace and Slow Play penalties will be enforced.
  • For each Top 8 match, the player that finished higher in the Swiss portion of the event chooses to play first or second.
  • Prizes
    Champion - $1200 USD + National Champion Trophy + Gold Foil Legendary Black Envelope + 2024 World Championship Invitation + 2024 Nationals Exclusive Playmat

Finalist - $600 USD + Gold Foil Legendary Black Envelope + 2024 World Championship Invitation + 2024 Nationals Exclusive Playmat

3rd-4<sup>th</sup> - $300 USD + 2024 World Championship Invitation + 2024 Nationals Exclusive Playmat

5th-8<sup>th</sup> - $150 USD

Total - $3,000 USD

Participation Prize - Cold Foil National Championship Exclusive Promo

  • Decklists

        YES. Bring a physical copy with you. Decklists will be collected at the start of round 1.

    This year we have an exclusive promo card for National Side events!
    Preregistration is Mandatory
    • Social Play “Super UPF” – All

- Draft (when we have at least 8 players) (12 euro fee / 3 booster packs per player).

- Blitz (when we have at least 4 players (6 euro fee / 1 booster pack per player)

  • Super Armory Living Legend All Day (when we have 8 players for it) (6 euro fee / 1 booster pack per player).



  • Date

Sunday July 7.

  • Venue
    Taek Won Do Stadium, Leoforos Posidonos 860, Paleo Faliro, 175 61


  • Start Time

  10.30 am Players Meeting, 11.00 am Start

  • Participation Fee

Open Entry (Everyone Can Play) - 30€

  • Format

Classic Constructed with TOP 8

  • Prizes

Champion  - PTI and a Gold Foil Black Envelope for the winner

Participation Prizes – Promo cards + 3x Booster packs

Extra prizing will be based on attendance.

  • Decklists

YES. Bring a physical copy with you. Decklists will be collected at the start of round 1.


This year we have an exclusive promo card for National Side events!
Preregistration is Mandatory

  • Social Play “Super UPF” – All Day

- Draft (when we have at least 8 players) (12 euro fee / 3 booster packs per player).

- Blitz (when we have at least 4 players (6 euro fee / 1 booster pack per player)

  • Super Armory Living Legend – All Day (when we have 8 players for it) (6 euro fee / 1 booster pack per player). .                



Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
George Panagopoulos
Level 2 Europe - Southeastern Head Judge
Michael Hadjiyiannis
Level 1 Europe - Southeastern Judge
George Karampinis
Level 1 Europe - Southeastern Judge
Xenophon Karyophyllis
Level 0 Europe - Southeastern Judge
Dimitris Panagiotopoulos
Level 0 Europe - Southeastern Judge