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IKG's New Zealand Nationals 2024 - v2.0

Organizer: Iron Knight Events
Judge manager: Paul Johnson
Event type: Nationals
REL: Competitive
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): June 28, 2024-June 30, 2024
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Venue: Alexandra Park Auckland, Top of the Park, Greenlane West Road and, Manukau Road, Greenlane, Auckland 1051
Applications accepted through: May 13, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 3 months ago

Event Information

Hi team,

I'm not going to lie - for Calling: Queenstown Klaus did most of the work on this, and I'm really wanting to just get this out there ready to go sooner rather than later (due to the *ahem* unique circumstances around my becoming involved with Nationals) so please forgive the informal nature of this application.

That and most of you who have worked with me know that I'm here to get things done, rather than make it look pretty (although no complaints if we can do both!)

With that in mind:

NZ Nationals 2024 Applications v2.0

Roles & Expectations:

Nationals Head Judge - $800

PTI Head Judge - $630

Floor Judges - $560

Scorekeeper - $560

These payments will be made to you as an independent contractor (or if you are a gst-registered business/sole trader, can be made to the appropriate entity).

Each role will be expected to work both days, and to assist with Setup on Friday and Teardown on Sunday. Exact hours remain to be determined but payment is based around approximate 10 hour days (Setup is intended to be 3hrs or so)
The outline of roles, responsibilities, and shift times above is an estimate of our staffing requirements for the event. Please note that these are subject to change, and may be adapted upon our final staff selection for the event. Your actual shift call times will vary by role. 
Judges are expected to arrive on time and in appropriate attire. Predominantly black pants, or similar, and predominantly black shoes. If you have one or multiple yellow judge shirts, please bring them to the event. Additionally judge shirts can be provided in limited quantities.

Alternative Payment Options

Each $100 can be exchanged for 1 full box of currently in-print product, or $120 of Store Credit with Iron Knight Gaming.

The weekend will include events over several days as follows:
● Saturday June 29th, 2024
- National Championship Day 1
- Side Events 
● Sunday June 30th, 2024
- National Championship Day 2 
- ProQuest+ 
- Side Events

LSS Staff Recognition

In addition to the payment for your services over the weekend, LSS will be providing Staff Recognition packages, which will include:
- 4x Part the Mistveil Displays for the weekend
- Assortment of Judge gifts

All level 1 judges and above working both Saturday and Sunday will receive a selection of promotional items for the event. These promotional gifts are an expression of appreciation for the contributions from working this event. These items should not be considered as part of, or in lieu of, your staff compensation for the event.

Important Link:<wbr />organised-play/2024/national-<wbr />championships2024/

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Amanda Budvietas
Level 2 New Zealand Judge
Adam Parsons
Level 2 New Zealand Judge
Chris Waight
Level 2 New Zealand Head Judge
Nikola Campbell
Level 1 New Zealand Support Judge
Adam Little
Level 1 New Zealand Scorekeeper
Pierce Lloyd
Level 1 New Zealand Judge
Jacob Maxwell
Level 1 New Zealand Standby
Amos Norris
Level 1 New Zealand Judge
Paul Johnson
Level 0 New Zealand Tournament Organizer
Tom Ebersweiler
Uncertified New Zealand Staff
Iron Knight Gaming
Uncertified New Zealand Staff