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Calling Manila 2024

Organizer: Legendary Games Distribution
Judge manager: Legendary Events
Event type: Calling
REL: Competitive/Professional
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): Aug. 16, 2024-Aug. 18, 2024
Location: Manila, Philippines
Venue: SPACE at One Ayala, Halls C & D
One Ayala
1 Ayala Ave
Makati 1226
Metro Manila
Applications accepted through: May 27, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 3 months ago

Event Information

Legendary Games Distribution is excited to announce the opening of the Calling: Manila 2024 Judge Applications! This is your chance to be part of the team in the role of a Judge or Coverage Writer. The applications will close on Monday, May 27st, 2024 at 23:59 (anywhere in the world). A selection will be made and communicated by Friday, 7th of June. 2024.

Please ensure you read through the full application before applying.


Dates: August 16th-18th, 2024

Venue: One Ayala, 1 Ayala Ave, Makati, 1226 Metro Manila

The Calling weekend will include events over three days as follows:

  • Friday August 16th, 2024
    • Scheduled Side Events
    • On Demand Events
  • Saturday August 17th, 2024
    • Calling Main Event Day 1
    • Scheduled Side Events
    • On Demand Events
  • Sunday August 18th, 2024
    • Calling Main Event Day 2
    • Battle Hardened
    • Scheduled Events
    • On Demand Events


We are looking for judges, scorekeepers, and admin staff to help with the event in the following roles:

  • Floor Judge
  • Team Lead
  • Coverage Writer

The outline of roles, responsibilities, and shift times above is an estimate of our staffing requirements for the event. Please note that these are subject to change, and may be adapted upon our final staff selection for the event. Your actual shift call times will vary by role.

The expected shift length is approximately 10-11 hours with a one-hour lunch break and at least one thirty-minute break.

Judges are expected to arrive on time and in appropriate attire. Predominantly black pants, or similar, and predominantly black shoes. If you have one or multiple yellow judge shirts, please bring them to the event. Additionally, judge shirts can be provided in limited quantities.

Judges may be assigned to any of the following:

  • Calling
  • Battle Hardened
  • Scheduled Events
  • On Demand Events

Judges wanting to judge the Calling main event need to be certified L2 judges. There may be exception for languages or other specific needs.


The staff outlined below, will receive the following per day worked, based on their role for that day:

  • Floor Judge: 8000 PHP and 2 boxes of MST set product
  • Team Lead: 12000 PHP and 2 boxes of MST set product
  • Coverage writer: 12000 PHP and 2 boxes of MST set product

Based on the unique nature and responsibility of certain roles, If you are selected to one of the following, you will be required to work all three event days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). Rather than receive compensation on a per-day basis, these positions will instead receive a fixed compensation, which is cumulative of their confirmation of work for the entire Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the event.

  • Battle Hardened Head Judge: 36000 PHP and 6 boxes of MST set product


Travel Sponsorship is available in limited quantities. It can be requested during the application process by responding to the travel sponsorship application question. Do note that travel sponsorship is limited and a maximum of 40000 PHP can be requested. Please be aware that the high end is reserved for judges traveling bigger distances. 

The following are the maximum that can be requested per region.
Asia max. 20000 PHP
Australia and New Zealand max. 30000 PHP
Europe/Americas max. 40000 PHP


All staff members, regardless of the number of days worked and their role, will receive a selection of promotional items for the event. This promotional gift is an expression of appreciation for the contributions from all staff working this event. These items should not be considered as part of, or in lieu of, your staff compensation for the event. Additionally, all staff members who are Certified Level 1 or above with the Judge Program will receive a selection of judge specific promotional items.

A staff celebration with food, drinks, and booster drafts, will happen during the event weekend. The exact details of the staff celebration will be confirmed and communicated closer to the event.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Andre Ang
Level 2 Singapore Head Judge
Matteo Callegari
Level 2 Europe - Italy and Malta Judge
Laksana Eka SP
Level 2 Southeast Asia Team Lead
John Reuben Ferrer
Level 2 Southeast Asia BH Head Judge
Lamberto Franco
Level 2 Europe - Italy and Malta Team Lead
Saiful bahari Hassan
Level 2 Malaysia and Brunei Team Lead
Khang Jong Kuan
Level 2 Malaysia and Brunei Team Lead
Ryan Larson
Level 2 Southeast Asia Judge
Klaus Lassacher
Level 2 Europe - German-speaking Staff
Jia Sheng Lee
Level 2 Malaysia and Brunei Team Lead
Benjamin Listen
Level 2 Japan Team Lead
Ying Chieh Liu
Level 2 Taiwan Judge
Nicholas Moore
Level 2 USA - Northeast Team Lead
Mark Tay
Level 2 Singapore Judge
Gerard Trpin
Level 2 Europe - France Team Lead
Bartłomiej Wieszok
Level 2 Europe - Poland Support Judge
Jan Ivan Alaba
Level 1 Southeast Asia Judge
Yugo Endo
Level 1 Japan Judge
Zhou Fuhai
Level 1 Singapore Staff
Anon Guntha
Level 1 Southeast Asia Judge
Hiroyuki Kawai
Level 1 Japan Judge
Chong Teng Kong
Level 1 Singapore Staff
Joseph Leong
Level 1 Singapore Staff
Jinyi Lim
Level 1 Singapore Scorekeeper
Paolo Lorica
Level 1 Southeast Asia Judge
Kwok Siang Neo
Level 1 Singapore Scorekeeper
Chuanjie Seow
Level 1 Singapore Staff
Mark Tan
Level 1 Singapore Staff
Daniel Tan
Level 1 Singapore Team Lead
Level 1 Japan Judge
Yu Win Yew
Level 1 Malaysia and Brunei Staff
Trevor Baker
Level 0 USA - Pacific Northwest Staff
Legendary Events
Uncertified Online Events Judge Manager
Niko Glik
Uncertified Europe - Iberia Staff
Clifford Yap
Uncertified Singapore Staff