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Lithuanian nationals

Organizer: Stalozaidimai.EU
Judge manager: Rytis Butiskis
Event type: Nationals
REL: Competitive
Format: Classic Constructed
Event date(s): June 29, 2024
Location: Kaunas, Lithuania
Venue: Savanoriu 246, Kaunas
Applications accepted through: May 31, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 3 months ago

Event Information

Swiss rounds are best-of-one.

  • Classic Constructed Swiss rounds are 50 + 5 minutes in duration (50 + 5 means there are 5 minutes allocated for the start of game procedure. Players must have presented their deck and revealed their equipment and weapons within this 5-minute window. If both players complete the start of game procedure in less than 5 minutes, they may begin playing their match immediately.)
  • Booster Draft Swiss rounds are 30 + 5 minutes in duration.
  • Top 8 playoffs are single elimination, best-of-one matches.
  • Top 8 matches have no time limit. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace and Slow Play penalties will be enforced.
  • For each Top 8 match, the player that finished higher in the Swiss portion of the event chooses to play first or second.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Diran Bajwa
Level 2 Europe - Iberia Head Judge
Rytis Butiskis
Level 1 Europe - Nordics and Baltics Judge
Emilis Dirmeikis
Level 1 Europe - Nordics and Baltics Judge
Lukas Paulauskas
Level 0 Europe - Nordics and Baltics Staff