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Austrian National Championship

Organizer: Three for One Trading
Judge manager: Francisc Loghin
Event type: Nationals
REL: Competitive
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): June 22, 2024
Location: Vienna, Austria
Venue: Three for One Store
Neulerchenfelder Strasse 76, 1160 Wien, Austria
Applications accepted through: June 13, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 2 months ago

Event Information

We are looking for 3 judges for this event:

  • 1 Head Judge
  • 2 Floor Judges



Judges are expected to be at the venue at 10:00 A.M

Event Format: Classic Constructed and Booster Draft

Rules Enforcement Level (REL): Competitive

It is strongly recommended that you can speak German, as some of our players may struggle with English.


Compensation & Recognition

  • 2 Booster Displays of the latest Flesh and Blood set / staff member / day
  • All level 1 judges and above will also receive a selection of promotional items for the event.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Christian Gienger
Level 2 Europe - German-speaking Head Judge
Auzmyn Oberweger
Level 1 Europe - German-speaking Judge
Oliver Polak-Rottmann
Uncertified Europe - German-speaking Tournament Organizer