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BH: Bali - Judge Conference

Organizer: Bali Awakening Zone
Judge manager: Bali Awakening Zone
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): July 19, 2024
Location: Kuta, Indonesia
Venue: Main Atrium Lippo Mall Kuta
Jl. Kartika Plaza, Lingkungan Segara, Kec. Kuta, 80361
Applications accepted through: July 18, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed a month ago

Event Information

Battle Hardened: Bali - Judge Conference


Venue : Main Atrium Lippo Mall Kuta Lippo Mall Kuta
Jl. Kartika Plaza, Lingkungan Segara, Kec. Kuta, 80361

Applications accepted through : 18 July 2024



We are happy to announce that we will be hosting a conference for the Flesh and Blood Judge Community on Friday, before Battle Hardened: Bali.
Attendance is not mandatory and you do not need to be on staff or a certified judge to attend.
Judges on staff for Battle Hardened: Bali will be required to attend if possible.



The Conference will be held at the same venue as the Battle Hardened: Bali, Main Atrium of Lippo Mall Kuta.



Each seminar / workshop will have a time duration of 40 minutes.
Time slot duration is subject to change.
There will be one track during the afternoon.

13:50 : Opening
14:00 : Topic #1
14:40 : Topic #2
15:20 : short break
15:30 : Topic #3
16:10 : Topic #4
16:50 : closing & wrap-up



We are looking for experts willing to present on topics of their choosing or on specific topics that may be suggested by the organizers.
Please apply as a Presenter through this Google Form regardless of your experience:


We would like to reserve slots to first time presenters, so that we may support the growth of your presentation skills.
Presenter applications will be accepted until 16 June 2024.
Presenters will be required to provide a full description of their presentation by 27 June 2024, and a full copy of their final slides / material by 11 July 2024.

As a thank you for researching and preparing their topic, presenters will receive support from LSS.



For any additional questions, please feel free to contact Laksana Eka SP via discord (laksanaekasp), whatsapp (+628982398599), or email (


Attendance and Support

Any judge of level 0, 1, or 2 is welcome to attend.
There will be no promo pack support available for attendees.
LSS will provide Judge promo pack support for presenters.
Supports is subject to change by LSS.

Thank you

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Laksana Eka SP
Level 2 Southeast Asia Presenter
James Medland
Level 2 Wider Australia Attendee
Theodore Andrew
Level 1 Southeast Asia Attendee
Joshua Gani
Level 1 Southeast Asia Attendee
Patrick Jan Nicolaus
Level 1 Southeast Asia Attendee
Wendra djati Kamadjaja
Level 1 Southeast Asia Presenter
Tommy Kurniasih
Level 1 Southeast Asia Presenter
Bali Awakening Zone
Uncertified Southeast Asia Staff