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Bali - SEA Georegional Conference

Organizer: Judge Community Representative Lead
Judge manager: Gerard Trpin
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): Aug. 10, 2024-Aug. 11, 2024
Location: Denpasar, Indonesia
Venue: Fairfield by Marriott Bali Legian,
Denpasar, Bali,
Applications accepted through: Aug. 7, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 6 months ago

Event Information

Hello and welcome, Judges!
We are pleased to invite you to the Bali georegion conference!
This is a special conference centered on the SEA region but welcoming everyone, aimed at having an amazing time of sharing, education and community gathering.

What is a georegion conference?

A georegion conference is a special type of conference meant to bring the community of the georegion (and beyond) together to learn and grow in a weekend full of seminars, workshops but also good food, activities and adventures!

This will be the first one of those georegional series, and we aim to have at least one per georegion per year, regions with Judges can get more.


This event does have a cap and we highly encourage you to write a cover letter.

Please be aware that this conference will have a focus for Judges from the SEA georegion. You may apply from beyond, but please be aware that local judges might have priority. We recommend you to apply earlier then later.

We are looking forward to your application!



Saturday will be from 10:00 to 17:00 and Sunday from 10:00 to 15:00

10.00-10.30 coffee break & opening
10.30-11.30 presenter 1
11.30-12.00 talks (GT/Klaus)
12.00-13.30 lunch break
13.30-14.20 presenter 2
14.30-16.00 workshop 1
16.00-16.30 coffee break & talks (GT/Klaus)
16.30-17.20 presenter 3
17.20-17.30 wrapup

10.00-10.15 coffee break & opening
10.15-11.05 presenter 4
11.10-12.00 presenter 5
12.00-13.30 lunch break
13.30-15.00 workshop 2
15.00-15.30 coffee break & wrapup
15.30-17.30 extra activity (not mandatory)

Presenter :

Presenters for this edition will be
1. James Medland : The Third Place
2. Tommy Kurniasih : Triangle Communication
3. Ben Ferrer : "secret topic"
4. Laksana Eka : How to Grow as Judge
5. Wella Ladera : Light and Shadow


Extra activities

As this is a very special conference and meant for community growth, we will cover extra activities, those are all optional but we are happy if you want to join! We will update you when we have a more detailed plan, but expect group dinners and other nice activities, all fully voluntary. 
We expect them starting earliest Friday evening, if you get in Friday, and last until Sunday afternoon.




Judge recognition

- The base recognition is one pack per Judge, needs to be L1+ certified by the end of the conference.
- L1+ Judges will receive one extra pack for attendance for the first georegion conference they do each year.
- You may attend more than one georegion conference, if space permits, but for every one beyond your first,  you will be provided only 1 Judge pack as your attendee recognition. 
- Attendees need to attend all seminar slots but one to be able to receive support. 

Presenters will receive 2 additional Judge packs.

Travel support

We decided to clarify that, please read carefully.

Anyone can apply for a travel sponsorship to help them attending and joining us in this conference.

If we are unable to provide the number of packs you NEED, then we will reach you. For those who already filled the application, please reach with those numbers (packs you wish / packs you need).



Attendee fee

There is a fee of 400.000 IDR/25 USD total for the weekend to cover food expenses, both days lunch is provided and coffee breaks.
If you need assistance covering this fee, please reach out to the contact below.

Contact and questions

Again, please answer those questions to the best of your extent. We don't wish you to write long things, just to know you more and help you with what you might look in regards of this conference.

Feel free to reach out to Lamberto or Gérard for any questions you may have.








Staff Members

No one is on staff for this event, or the staff list is not visible to you.