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2024 New Zealand Nationals Judge Conference

Organizer: Adam Parsons
Judge manager: Adam Parsons
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): June 28, 2024
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Venue: Venue: Ranfurly Room
Address: Epsom Community Centre
202 Gillies Ave
Epsom, Auckland
Applications accepted through: June 27, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 2 months ago

Event Information

Welcome, Judges, staff and interested others!


The New Zealand Nationals 2024 will feature a conference on the Friday before the event from 18:30 - 22:30.
Attendance is not mandatory, and you do not need to be on staff or a certified Judge to attend.


Ranfurly Room
Epsom Community Centre
202 Gillies Ave
Epsom, Auckland

Google Maps Directions


We will be taking applicantions for presenters until 23:59 Wednesday 26 June 2024 please apply using this form: Applications are now closed all applicants have been contacted. 

18:30 - 19:20 Presentation 1
19:30 - 20:20 Presentation 2
20:30 - 21:20 Presentation 3
21:20 - 22:30 Presentation 4


Foil support

There will not be foil support for attendees.

Presenters that are certified L1+ Judges at the time of the conference will receive one or more Judge Promo packs as thank you for presenting.

Staff Members

Name Level Region Role
Amanda Budvietas
Level 2 New Zealand Presenter
Jonathan Chaplow
Level 2 New Zealand Presenter
Adam Parsons
Level 2 New Zealand Staff
Chris Waight
Level 2 New Zealand Attendee
Nikola Campbell
Level 1 New Zealand Attendee
Pierce Lloyd
Level 1 New Zealand Attendee
Jacob Maxwell
Level 1 New Zealand Attendee
Amos Norris
Level 1 New Zealand Presenter
Paul Johnson
Level 0 New Zealand Presenter