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World Tour São Paulo 2025

Organizer: Epic Games
Judge manager: Philippe Monlevade
Event type: Calling
REL: Competitive/Professional
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): March 21, 2025-March 23, 2025
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Venue: Tênis Clube Paulista
R. Gualaxo, 285 - Aclimação, São Paulo - SP, 01533-020, Brazil
Applications accepted through: Jan. 3, 2025 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed 2 months ago

Event Information

Epic Games is excited to announce the opening of the weekend staff applications!

This is your chance to join the team as a Judge, Admin, or Scorekeeper. Applications will close end of 3rd of January 2025. A selection will be made and communicated by January 10th 2025. Please ensure you read through the entire application before applying.


Dates: 21 - 23 March 2025
Venue: Tênis Clube Paulista
R. Gualaxo, 285 - Aclimação, São Paulo - SP, 01533-020, Brazil
Event Hall: Salão Nobre

The World Tour weekend will include events over three days as follows:

Friday: Scheduled Events, On Demand Events
Saturday: Calling - Day 1, Scheduled Events, On Demand Events
Sunday: Calling - Day 2, Battle Hardened, Scheduled Events, On Demand Events


We are looking for judges, scorekeepers, and admin staff to help with the event in the following roles, the description is only a broad overview to give you an idea of the role:

  • Floor Judge
    • You will help run casual scheduled events or on demand drafts as a head or floor judge or be a floor judge at a competitive/professional tournament.
    • You may also be assigned as a Learn to Play judge.
    • Level 1 or Level 2. To be able to be a judge in a competitive or professional rules enforcement event (excluding Battle Hardened) level 2 is required, limited exceptions may be made for language coverage, other logistical needs, or for Level 1 Judges working directly with a mentor to possibly obtain their Level 2 recommendation. That is only after having fulfilled all other requirements for L2.

  • Team Lead
    • You will lead a team of 2-6 judges for a given task during your team lead day. This mostly ranges from leading a team at one of the competitive/professional events or at an scheduled event.
    • You will be required to be in contact with the head judge team/scheduled event lead as well as write and send a team briefing before the show.
    • During the event your focus is to enable your team fulfilling their tasks as well as take care of their wellbeing and foster feedback.
    • Level 2 is required to be a team lead.

  • Event Admin
    • You will help staff the prize wall, info desk, registration and stage.

  • Scorekeeper
    • You will be scorekeeping different events during the weekend. You may also assist with other tasks at the stage.
    • This role requires a baseline familiarity with GEM and purplefox.

  • Scorekeeper Lead
    • You will be scorekeeping different events during the weekend, including the World Premiere and the Calling.
    • This role requires a high familiarity with GEM and purplefox, especially drafting processes.
    • You will also take care of the other scorekeepers, including their mentoring.

  • Attendee Experience Coordinator
    • This role will be the first point of contact for attendees, staff or other parties at the event to reach out to in a case of harassment or discrimination. There will be one tournament organizer/staff member performing this as well as one person solicited from the Judge Hub application. You will not be required to necessarily find a direct solution to problems that arise, the tournament organizer staff will be available to assist you, however you will be positioned as a first point of contact that will field, assess, and triage circumstances as they arise.
    • Applicants should be comfortable in conflict resolution, mediation, and handling sensitive conversations.
    • The role brings high visibility to all attendees, players, and staff, so that you are easy to identify and approachable.
    • Please mention any training or relevant experience you have in this area in the application questions.

  • Battle Hardened Head Judge
    • You will be the Head Judge of the Battle Hardened on Sunday. This requires you being involved in the staffing call to select your staff, plan and communicate your event with your leads and floor judges as well as execute the event at the day of.
    • During the event your focus is to enable your team to fulfil their tasks as well as take care of their wellbeing and foster feedback.
    • This role has a focus on rules and policy.
    • Level 2 is required to be the Battle Hardened Head Judge.
    • One other day on the weekend will be as team lead and another day as floor judge.
  • Scheduled Events Lead
    • You will be leading the scheduled events and the Judges with them over the weekend, this will range from 5 Judges up to 20 Judges.
    • You will be required to be in contact with the head judge and organization team as well as write and send a team briefing before the show.
    • During the event, your focus is to enable your team to fulfil their tasks as well as take care of their wellbeing and foster feedback.
    • This role has a focus on logistics and mentorship.
    • Level 2 is required to be the Scheduled Events Lead.

The outline of roles and responsibilities above are an estimate of our staffing requirements for the event.
Please note that these are subject to change and may be adapted upon our final staff selection for the event.


Staff of this show will be direct brand ambassadors for the game and should act accordingly. This means presenting themselves professionally as well as delivering great customer service for all attendees. Additionally, here are some general expectations:

  • Shift times
    • Your shifts each day can be in the window of roughly 8:00 am to 10:00 pm.
    • Shift lengths will be around 10–11 hours, with a one-hour lunch break and at least one thirty-minute break.
    • Please be aware that, if you are not available for the time frame above you need to mention that in the application, it may reduce your chance for being staffed.
    • Your actual shift call times will vary by role and shifts.
    • You are required to be ready to work your shift at your actual call time, this means being in uniform and ready to listen to your briefing.

  • Judge attire
    • Judges are expected to arrive on time and in appropriate attire. 
    • Predominantly black pants, or similar, and predominantly black shoes. 
    • If you have one or multiple yellow judge shirts, please bring them to the event.
    • Additionally, judge shirts can be provided in limited quantities, please answer accordingly in the application questions.
    • Your uniform needs to be covered when you are not on shift, unless you are in the break room.
    • Please avoid attire directly featuring brands of other TCGs.
  • Staff communication
    • We also expect every staff member of the event to update themselves on information posted in the staff Discord/forum to be aware of general information as well as their roles and responsibilities.

  • Selling, buying and trading
    • Staff or attendees are not allowed to sell or buy any items in or near the event hall. 
    • The only exception to this is official vendors in the event hall.
    • Trading cards or other gaming items are allowed. 


The staff outlined below, will receive the following per day worked, based on their role for that day.
Compensation  boxes will be in the current set at the time of the show.



Compensation boxes

Floor Judge

700 Reais per day

2 boxes per day

Team Lead

1200 Reais per day

2 boxes per day


700 Reais per day

2 boxes per day

Scorekeeper Lead

1200 Reais per day

2 boxes per day


700 Reais per day

2 boxes per day

Attendee Experience Coordinator

700 Reais per day

2 boxes per day

Battle Hardened Head Judge

3600 Reais per weekend

2 boxes per day

Scheduled Events Lead

3600 Reais per weekend

2 boxes per day

Travel and accommodation needs to be arranged and payed by each staff member on their own, independently from the organizer.

Payment and contract details
All the Brazilians will receive their money  compensation via PIX
All the NON Brazilians will receive their money compensation in Usd(conversion rate at the day of transaction)


In addition to the staff compensation outlined above, limited Travel Sponsorship is available. Applicants can request travel sponsorship during the application process by responding to the relevant question. Please note that travel sponsorship is limited.

Maximum amount per region that can be applied for
Brazil: 1000 Reais
South America: 2000 Reais
Rest of the world: 4000 Reais


This event will feature a Judge conference starting Thursday around noon and lasting all afternoon, attendee and presenter supported.
The conference will have separated applications on a different Judgehub page. 
You can find the conference details here


All staff members regardless of the number of days worked and their role will receive promotional items for the event.
This promotional gift is an expression of appreciation for the contributions of all staff working at this event. These items should not be considered part of, or in lieu of, your staff compensation for the event.

Additionally, all staff members who are Certified Level 1 or above with the Judge Program will receive a selection of judge specific promotional items.

A staff celebration with food, drinks, and booster drafts will occur during the weekend event. The exact details of the staff celebration will be confirmed and communicated closer to the event.

Staff Members

No one is on staff for this event, or the staff list is not visible to you.