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2025 Toronto Judge Conference

Organizer: Elaine Cao and Invasion Inc.
Judge manager: Elaine Cao
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): Jan. 10, 2025
Location: Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
Venue: Venu Event Space
2800 Hwy 7, Vaughan, ON
L4K 1W8, Canada
Applications accepted through: Jan. 10, 2025 (Anywhere on Earth)
Applications closed a month ago

Event Information

Welcome to the 2025* Toronto** Judge*** Conference****!


*I mean, we might have another Toronto conference in 2025. This might not be the only one lol


**Is Vaughan *really* Toronto?


***Not just for certified judges. +1s, event admins, LGS staff, and anyone interested in judging are also welcome.


****More “hang out, socialize, and do fun activities” than “conference” tbh


Please read before applying:


This conference will take place on 10 January 2025 at and around Venu Event Space, 2800 Hwy 7, Vaughan, ON L4K 1W8, Canada. This is the same venue as for Battle Hardened Toronto. We will start at 11:30 AM and finish in time for the Super Armory at 5 PM.


Foil support for this conference is for presenters only. If you would like to present, please read below.


Event structure (times are approximate)


11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Group lunch at Aladdin Shawarma House (10 Buttermill Ave. Unit 3, Concord, ON L4K 3X4)


12:45 PM - 4:30PMish: Presentatations at Venu Event Space


Presentation 1: Lilith Gilhespy-Kummling - Judging as Customer Service


Presentation 2: Oscar Ojeda Gomez - Abilities and Effects: How they work and how to identify them


Presentation 3: Madeline Abernathy - Battlehardened Toronto 2025: Metagame Breakdown 


Presentation 4: Cale Zavits - Take backs and basic investigation


If you would like to present in one of the other slots, don't hesitate to apply! The following presentations will be prioritized: 1) people looking to gain presentation experience, 2) presentations on advanced rules intricacies, and 3) the metagame of Classic Constructed.


Application instructions


Please actually apply if you plan on coming! This helps us in determining lunch plans, and helps presenters plan with how many people they're presenting to.


We aren't expecting that many people, so all applications will be accepted unless there are too many people for a restaurant to accommodate; if this happens, we may split the party accordingly.


Please note if you would like to bring a +1. You don't have to do this if your +1 is also registered on JudgeHub and is applying separately.


If you have dietary restrictions or preferences on where to go for lunch, please note them. Your dietary restrictions may be ignored if you apply on or after 3 January to give us time to find something that can accommodate the size of the group (or you can have lunch separately).


If you would like to be present something and/or be given space to talk about something intriguing for about 45 minutes, please note that in your application. Please apply as soon as possible, so I can help you refine your presentation pitch and give feedback beforehand, but by 30 December at the latest.


See you soon!

Staff Members

No one is on staff for this event, or the staff list is not visible to you.