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Fyendal Hobby RTN 2025

Organizer: Fyendal Hobby
Judge manager: Dennis Xiao
Event type: Road to Nationals
REL: Competitive
Format: Classic Constructed
Event date(s): Feb. 8, 2025
Location: Singapore, Singapore
Venue: Fyendal Hobby
86 Marine Parade Central
Applications accepted through: Jan. 12, 2025 (Anywhere on Earth)
Time remaining: 22 days

Event Information


Date: 8 February 2024
Format: Classic Constructed
Start Time: 1.00PM



Fyendal Hobby is looking for a team of Judges to run RTN 2025. 
Judges must have completed and passed all rules refesher test.
Head Judge - Responsible for running the event from the start to the end. Provide an after event review. Mentoring skills is a plus.
Floor Judge - Familiar with competitive REL setting. 
Standby / Volunteer - Minimal experience required, able to attend to player's question, and seek help from the judge team if required.
Responsibilities of the team includes working with GEM.
Judges are expected to arrive on time (30mins before event start time) and in appropriate attire. Predominantly dark colored pants, covered shoes and FAB Judge Shirt. 
Indicate on your cover letter if you do not have the judge shirt. 



● Head Judge: $80 Cash OR 1 Booster box of your choice (ROS/MST/EVO/DTD/DYN/UPR/EVR/TOA 1st/MON UL)
● Floor Judge: $80 Cash OR 1 Booster box of your choice (ROS/MST/EVO/DTD/DYN/UPR/EVR/TOA 1st/MON UL)
Standby/Volunteer: Store Credit
Team will have complimentary access to the store's drinks and snacks..
Meals will be provided for the team. If meals are not available, $10 cash will be given as a substitute.
Should the event end after 11.30pm. Travel reimbursement will be provided. 
Should the event exceed 32 players, additional store credit will be added to the compensation pool to be split by the team.


LSS has provided Judge Support to reward judges for their skills and dedication shown towards the game.

Head Judge: Judge Pack of the current season
Floor Judge: Judge Playmat

Staff Members

Note: As you are not on staff for this event, some users may be hidden from the staff list, in accordance with their privacy settings. You can always see the full staff list if you are either part of the staff yourself, or otherwise, after the event is over.

Name Level Region Role
Dennis Xiao
Level 2 Singapore Staff