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World Tour Kobe 2025 - Judge Conference

Organizer: Lamberto Franco
Judge manager: Lamberto Franco
Event type: Judge Conference
Format: No Format
Event date(s): March 14, 2025
Location: Kobe, Japan
Venue: TBD
Applications accepted through: March 13, 2025 (Anywhere on Earth)
Time remaining: 19 days

Event Information

Welcome to the World Tour Kobe 2025 - Judge Conference event!
We are happy to announce this conference for the Friday before the World Tour in Kobe.


The conference will start at 19:00, on Friday 14th March and is planned to end around 21:00.
The conference will feature 2 seminars, with a small break in between. Seminars will be in english, we will try and have slides in Japanese if possible.

There will be presenter support.

Even if there's not Attendee support, we still encourage you to apply to the conference if you're planning on attending, so we can better organise the space.


We're looking for presenters for this conference. If you're interested in presenting, please apply here by the 31st of January 2025.

There will also be a dedicated time to arrange 1 on 1´s with the Judge Program Manager.
Additionally, proctored tests can be arranged.
Please contact us if interested.


For any additional questions not covered here, please contact Lamberto Franco as Conference Lead via discord (lambertus) or email ( or Klaus Lassacher (fab_judge_program_manager) or via email.


The conference venue is still TBD, but we expect it to be around the event venue.


Any certified Flesh and Blood Judge can attend. You will need to be L1+ to receive any promo gifts.

Staff Members

No one is on staff for this event, or the staff list is not visible to you.