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French National Championship 2025

Organizer: Uchronies Games
Judge manager: Thomas Müller
Event type: Nationals
REL: Competitive
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): June 28, 2025-June 29, 2025
Location: Paris, France
Venue: Hôtel Mercure Paris Vaugirard Porte de Versailles,
69 boulevard Victor,
75015 Paris,
Applications accepted through: May 21, 2025 (Anywhere on Earth)
Time remaining: 2 months

Event Information

We're activly seeking judges for the French National Championship running on 28/06/2025 and 29/06/2025. The event will run from 9AM to 8PM on the week-end.

Here are the positions we're looking for:
(1) Head Judge (LV2)
(Up to 7) Floor Judges (LV1) (1 Dedicated Scorekeeper)

Each staff member will receive the following compensation from LSS:
- 2 Booster Displays of Flesh and Blood, per Staff Member, per day

Staff Members

No one is on staff for this event, or the staff list is not visible to you.