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Switzerland Nationals 2025 hosted by Goodgames Bern

Organizer: GoodGames Gmbh
Judge manager: Sascha Giger
Event type: Nationals
REL: Competitive
Format: Classic Constructed
Event date(s): June 21, 2025-June 22, 2025
Location: Bern, Switzerland
Venue: Day 1:
Hotel Kreuz Bern AG
Zeughausgasse 41
CH-3011 Bern

Parkterrasse 14
CH-3012 Bern
Applications accepted through: May 11, 2025 (Anywhere on Earth)
Time remaining: a month

Event Information


Friday 20. Juni:

Big Armory Friday 

Saturday 21. Juni

Nationals day 1  ( 6 Rounds CC / 3 Rounds Draft Part the Mistveil) 

Side Event Round the Table 

Side Event Draft 

Sunday 22. July 

Nationals day 2 Top 8 

Side Event: Format will be announced 

We are looking for 1-2 more  Judges for the event on Saturday and Sunday.


Food and Drinks

Paid Travel expenses

2 boxes of High Seas or an older Box per day judged


LSS will grant some extra gifts to certified judges on staff to say thank you for your efforts in promoting the game. We do not yet know what they will be.

Staff Members

No one is on staff for this event, or the staff list is not visible to you.