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JudgeHub Discord Linking

JudgeHub allows you to link your Discord account in order to allow our bot to manage your access to channels within the JudgeHub Discord server.


First, please note that you must be logged in. From your Profile page, click "Manage Discord Linking" at the top of the page, just under your name, or click on this direct link. Then, under "Add a Third Party Account", click "Discord". Finally, click "Continue". If you aren't already logged in to Discord on the web, you'll be prompted to log in, and then you'll be asked to "Authorize" giving JudgeHub Role Synchronization access to your Discord account.

Choosing "Authorize" will allow us to get your Discord username, user ID, and a few other fields, from Discord directly. We do this because we need your internal Discord User ID (not just your Username or Display Name), and because we want to confirm that it's really yours - that's why you need to be logged in to both JudgeHub and to Discord on the web in order to complete this.

Once you Authorize, you'll be redirected to JudgeHub, and you'll see a message that "The social account has been connected." You'll also see your Username on that page. You can navigate back to this page at any time to remove the linking. You can only have one Discord account linked to your JudgeHub account.

As soon as you finish this process, if you're a member of the JudgeHub Discord server, you should immediately get any roles that you're entitled to. This will include the @Judge role, if you're at least a Level 0 Judge, and a @Level X Judge role corresponding to your level. These will give you access to the channels for judge-only discussion. If you're not on the server yet, join it by visiting before doing this. Anything that updates your JudgeHub profile, including levelling up, will also cause your roles to be updated on the Discord server. You can also use the /resync_me command on Discord to ask the bot to make sure that your roles are up to date.

If you have any issues with this, please use the #platform-support channel on the Discord server to ask for help.

What is the JudgeHub Discord?

The JudgeHub Discord server is the official chat server of the global Flesh and Blood Judge Community. It has public channels allowing you to ask a rules or policy question, discuss anything about Flesh and Blood Judging, and submitting bug reports and getting support for this website. This is a great place to ask a judge about your Flesh and Blood rules and policy questions. We also have Judge-only channels allowing you to get help with a wide range of topics, as well as just to socialize with judges from your region or of your level.

What information does JudgeHub share with Discord?

To support Discord's Linked Roles, we will tell Discord whether you are or are not certified, your Judge Level, and your username. We also use a system called OAuth to request that Discord provide us with some information about your Discord account, which sends Discord some randomly-generated tokens used to keep track of the initial authorization process, and the URL on our site that Discord will send you back to after you click Authorize.

What information does Discord share with JudgeHub?

Only the data included in the Discord "identify" scope. You can learn a lot more about the Discord OAuth scopes from their developer documentation, but long story short, we get everything in your User object, except that we do not get your Discord email address. It's the absolute minimum information we're able to ask for from Discord, and we use it to find your account on the JudgeHub server, so that our bot can assign roles to it. We do get a few other flags related to your account, though we don't use them for anything: your configured language on Discord, whether you use two-factor authentication on Discord, whether you have Discord Nitro, hashes of your Discord Avatar and Profile Banner images if you use them, and your Profile Banner color. We store this only because it's part of the same User object that we need from Discord.

We can not see:

  • What servers you're in
  • Who you're friends with
  • Who you have DMed, or who has DMed you
  • Any message content from your account whatsoever

We also can not take any actions as your account - the access we request is read-only.