Your computer time is misconfigured. This may cause problems with the site, particularly, the "time remaining" may be incorrect when taking exams. This may cause exams to be submitted before you are ready, or may cause you to be unaware that time has expired, preventing submission. Your computer told us that it is , but this page was downloaded from the server at . Please correct your computer's time and timezone settings.

Welcome to JudgeHub!

JudgeHub is designed to be the home to Flesh and Blood Judges to grow, test themselves, and engage with the world of events.

The site is under continual development as the program grows and changes so if you have feedback be sure to speak up so we can continue to make this site the best possible experience for judges worldwide.

We look forward to seeing you in the Flesh and Blood at events all over the world!

-Joshua Scott and the JudgeHub Development Team

Features of JudgeHub

The Menu bar

The menu bar provides quick access to all the sections of the JudgeHub you have access to. If you receive any notifications the count will appear on the bell icon. If you wish to see or edit your profile you can click your own name.

Your Homepage

Your homepage on JudgeHub will bring you the high level items you're involved with in the judge community:

The top section will show you any certification exams you are eligible to take at the moment. It will only show you exams that you have met the requirements for and are not on cooldown for. You can access the full list of exams you can see (and more information about those exams) on the My Exams page under the Exams menu.

If you participate in any projects within the judge program (such as translation projects or creating materials to train other judges) they will appear next with access to the materials for the project.

The next section shows all events in your region and all Professional REL events worldwide with upcoming application deadlines. You can click on any event in this list to see more information about them. You can also explore all the events using the events menu at the top of the screen and then selecting All Events.

The final section shows forum topics with recent postings for you to see.

Based on your interactions with the program (like level or participation in events) you may see other sections on the page.


The events section of the site is designed to allow Tournament Organizers to post events for judges and event staff to apply to and for that staff to interact with the TO and others working the event. Note: it is not a place for players to sign up for the event, just the judges and event staff working the event. The JudgeHub team reserves the right to remove any event for any reason at any time from the site.

All Events

This is a global event search, you can narrow it by region and type of event to find just the right event for you to apply for! If you're creating an event you can from this page by clicking the "Create New Event" link at the top of the page.

My Events

This page will show you all the events you've applied for, managed, or been staffed on. You can also use this page to add events that do not exist on JudgeHub to create an event history resume for future use.

Clicking on an event will take you to more details and the event forum and files.


JudgeHub hosts forums for judges around the world to ask questions and get best practices from each other. Be sure to review the forum protocol as you engage in them!


The judges section of the site allows you to find any judge in the world and see basic information about them like what projects they’re involved with and events you might have in common with them. This section is also designed to allow TOs to find out about judges in their area. There is a contact link on a judge’s profile but it does not reveal the judge’s email address (unless they choose to share it) to the person sending the message.

Level 1 and higher judges can also view a map showing approximate locations of judges around the world by level.


Judges are coming together to work on various improvements to judging and to grow each other. This is managed through the projects section of the site. Any judge can make a project and there are some official projects that judges can join. Check the Project Recruitment & Help Wanted forum for posting about projects that are looking for volunteers!

A project allows its members to have a place to store files and have their own private forum to discuss the project.


Exams are the core of how judges are evaluated for advancement within the judge program currently, it's how we prove our knowledge. Each exam comes with its own rules and policies. More about the exam section can be found here.

My Exams

The My Exams page will show you all the exams available for you to take and all the exams you've ever taken along with their results. If you click on a previous exam you'll be able to review the questions, answers, and explanations for the answers to help you develop your skills as a judge.

Exam Search

The Exam Search page shows all the exams that are visible to you, for most judges the content of this page will be the same as the previous exams section of the My Exam page.

Other Features

Other features may be unlocked based on level or role or through future developments. Stay tuned to the forums and the discord to see the future of JudgeHub